Programme Justificaton

a. Training Frequency
The frequency with which players train is a crucial aspect to consider when designing a programme (Bompa, 2005; Bompa & Haff, 2009). If the programme does not give each area of the body enough time to recover between sessions, then overtraining and damage can occur (Bird, Tarpenning & Marino, 2005). It is crucial, therefore to work different parts of the body on consectutive days, either by alternating upper and lower body days, or working different kinetic chains, e.g. quadriceps and hip flexors on one day, hamstrings and gluteals on the following day (Bompa, 2005; Bompa & Haff, 2009).

b. Exercise Selection
All exercises used in the training plan have been suggested by various sources to improve the strength of the muscles required to increase the player’s performance (Baechle & Earle, 2008). Upper body exercises have been selected to improve specific factors in the player’s performance such as tackling and scrums. An increase in pectoral strength improves tackling ability by allowing the player to grasp the opponents and bring them down to the ground. Lower body exercises were selected to improve the player’s drive during sprints which will aid successful runs without being brought to the ground.   

c. Exercise Order
Compound core exercises are the first to take place with power leading the other core exercises (Newton, 2006)). This allows the power exercises to take place with no fatigue present which enables the player to use maximal effort over the large movement required in the techniques selected (Stone & O'Bryant, 1987). Assistance exercises follow the core exercises as they strengthen some of the muscles used previously in the core group (Baechle & Earle, 2008). This is done in this order to allow core exercises to be carried out with no fatigue present in the synergist muscles. Once these two groups are out of the way core stability exercises can be done, fatiguing these muscles last is the safest way as to train as they are no longer needed in maintaining posture during lifts (Fleck & Kraemer, 2003).

d. Training Load and Repetitions
The load and repetitions for each exercises was calculated on the needs of the athlete for the phase of their periodisation they were in. In this example the micro cycle selected takes place early to mid way through preseason. At this point the player needs increase muscle hypertrophy (Newton. 2006). Therefore we selected a sufficient amount of repetitions which would achieve this. From this the load can be calculated using a rep calculating table (Baechle & Earle. 2007). Testing at the start of the season will highlight the player’s 1 rep maximums (RM) in numerous exercises (Table 6). From this the load for hypertrophy sessions can be calculated.

Table 6. Rep Calculating Table            

Adapted from – (2010), Retrieved 01.03.2012 from

e. Volume
Volume can be calculated as the total amount of weight which is lifted in each session (Fleck & Kraemer, 2003). There are two types of volume, repetition volume and load volume. Repetition volume is the total number of repetitions in a session (Baker, Wilson & Carlyon, 1994). Load volume is the total weight lifted which is calculated as reps x sets x weight (Pauletto, 1986). As the goal for the micro cycle selected was hypertrophy the load volume and repetition volume was high as the player was generally lifting 67-74%BW for 10 repetitions of 4 sets. If the player target just strength the repetition volume would decrease while the load volume may remain the same or increase.

f. Rest and Uploading Weeks
Rest is a very important factor to consider when designing a training programme (Bird et al., 2005). Parra, Cadefau, Rodas, Amigo and Cusso (2000) compared a 2 week training programme that incorporated little or no rest days between sessions against an extended 6 week programme that housed rest days after intense training days. Both programmes resulted in increases of enzyme activity during aerobic metabolism and glycolysis, but the 2 week programme resulted in a decrease of Adenosine Triphosphate consumption within the muscles (Parra et al., 2000). The 6 week programme resulted in a significant increase in performance, an outcome attributed to the avoidance of fatigue and damage to the muscle fibres (Parra et al., 2000). The fallow weeks that have been put into this programme, after major international events, are designed to rest the player after intense weeks of competition and training, and encourage adaptation and recuperation.

g. Periodisation and Peaking
Periodisation is essential in optimising a player’s performance, whilst ensuring that overload to gain adaptations does not result in the player falling into overtraining (Fry, Morton & Keast, 1992). The player’s workload, in terms of volume, therefore, generally decreases through the duration of the season in the periodised programme that has been created. There is a negative correlation between training volume and training intensity (Baechle & Earle, 2006; Bompa, 2005; Bompa & Haff, 2009). When the training intensity is increased, the volume has to drop to ensure the player does not overtrain (Baechle & Earle, 2006; Bompa, 2005; Bompa & Haff, 2009). Conversely when the training intensity decreases, the training volume has to increase, otherwise there will not be sufficient overload to trigger adaptations (Baechle & Earle, 2006; Bompa, 2005; Bompa & Haff, 2009). In this programme, there is an initial decrease in volume during pre-season, as the intensity of these pre-season sessions is quite high and the players need rest days to facilitate their adaptation (Fry et al., 1992). As the start of the season, the intensity of the sessions drops slightly and the volume of training rises; at this stage of the season, fatigue levels will be quite low, so the players do not need as much rest for adaptations to occur (Baechle & Earle, 2006; Bompa, 2005; Bompa & Haff, 2009; Fry et al., 1992). Fatigue is more easily induced towards the end of the season, so the training volume has been dropped in the programme to allow for more rest days, aiding both recovery and avoidance of overtraining (Baechle & Earle, 2006; Bompa, 2005; Bompa & Haff, 2009; Fry et al., 1992).

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